YabbleBabble was officially sold on August 9, 2007. You can no longer purchase any of the products on this website through YabbleBabble, but most product pages contain links to the artist's current website. If you find a product that interests you, simply follow the link and purchase the product on the artist's new website. For more information on the sale of YabbleBabble, view this press release.

This website is now part of Todd Sullivan's research projects, resume, and multimedia portfolio.
Buy handmade Day and Night of type Wall Art > Paintings of theme Nature > Seasons > Summer of material Various Materials made by Elise Peck


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Day and Night

Day and Night

Price: $35.00

Amount Available: 1

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Welcome to the painting called, "Day and Night". This painting was all painted using acrylic paints and glitter to make it sparkle. I painted this because I was going through a rough time and wanted tp paint something that showed there was a bright side to every dark side.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this painting as much as I enjoyed painting it.

Hope you all have a great day, and thank you so much for checking out my artwork.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to email me at superflyfairy@hotmail.com .

Elise Peck

This item was created by Elise Peck.



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